- Hoshimachi Suisei 1st Solo Live “STELLAR into the GALAXY” Supported By Bushiroad 2021.10.21Thu
「星街すいせい」ソロライブ《Hoshimachi Suisei 1st Solo Live "STELLAR into the GALAXY" Supported By Bushiroad》開催決定!
- 角巻わため 1st Live「わためぇ Night Fever!! in Zepp Tokyo」Supported By Bushiroad 2021.10.12Tue
「角巻わため」ソロライブ《角巻わため 1st Live「わためぇ Night Fever!! in Zepp Tokyo」Supported By Bushiroad》開催決定!
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AZKi 8th LiVE「Rewind & Reunion」開催決定!
- hololive 1st Generation 3rd Anniversary LIVE「from 1st」 2021.5.28Fri
VTuberグループ「ホロライブ」1期生デビュー3周年ライブ《hololive 1st Generation 3rd Anniversary LIVE「from 1st」》開催決定!
- 【ライブレポート】2021.04.11 AZKi 7th LiVE『Stand at the crossroads』 2021.4.11Sun
AZKi 7th LiVE『Stand at the crossroads』開催!!